THE BATH OF DEATH or what is also known as 'Senicide'. A common practice in India till to date especially in villages. Many questioned how is this cruel compared to euthanasia? Who do we blame? Can education alone solve the social issue?
What sickens me more is, they justify this sinful act saying it is the will of God. It has become a lucrative business in India.
Well, read on what exactly is done to elders by their own children who look at them as burden.
The body is massaged with coconut oil, castor and sesame oils, usually at dawn. After this, the person is given a cold bath and put to bed. The body temperature soon dips, often to a lethal extent. After 15 minutes, the person is made to drink a few glasses of tender coconut water and a glass of milk. This causes renal failure. In a day or two, the person catches a fever and dies.
If the oil and coconut water failed, the person would be given a glass of mud mixed with water or a bun which will be forced down their throats. It blocks the food pipe and the elderly would have to fight for oxygen.
Though villagers claim they have buried this gruesome tradition, it has now taken on a silent form. More shocking, however, is the evolution of the ritual. Now, pesticides, sleeping pills and lethal injections have become part of it. If these fail, the villagers call in the 'suppliers' to inject a combination of poisons and death comes within minutes.
We, supposedly born with 6 senses are the only species capable of such act. Even a dog has more compassion towards its own kind. -lucifer-
The hand that protected and fed you.
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