IF MIND IS MATTER...,there was an approach rooted by the philosopher Bertrand Russell Bertrand Russell and the scientist Arthur Eddington in 1920’s. It turns out that physics is confined from telling us about the behaviour of matter. Matter has mass and charge, properties which are entirely characterized in terms of behaviour, attraction, repulsion and resistance to acceleration,..correct? Apparently physics tells us nothing about what philosophers like to call “the intrinsic nature of matter”, how matter is in and of itself.
It turns out, then, that there is a huge hole in our scientific world view where physics leaves us completely in the dark about what matter really is. The proposal of Russell and Eddington was to fill that hole with consciousness. Quite bizzare right?
I believe consciousness is a property of the Universe like the gravity, air, light and the space. Human heart and brains are the only earthly receivers of this ‘cosmic’. Look up for this term Panpsychism. It’s an ancient method and it is making a revolution as we speak.
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